D0Z - motion / graphic / dev

Writing with your own words is better than copy pasta



Entrance to the Brain, from here you're on your own.


Some files are private or not ready yet, if a link gives you a 404 that's why :)
This is a work in progress, new notes will be added daily

List of note Indexes

Here we are, in my brain (Digital Garden), most of the notes here needs editing and rewriting but we're getting there slowly. If you want to understand a bit more how all of this works you can head out to 🌐 PKM.
When ready you can use the [indexes] bellow to start navigating.

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Writing with your own words is better than copy pasta

Récrire de l'information avec ses propre mots ça permet de mieux se l'appriorier, de la digérer et la comprendre.

Ca nous force a créer une version différente et propre a sois meme

C'est une étape clef pour une meilleur comprehension du sujet et ca améliore la capacite à se souvenir de cette information[^1].

[^1]: see: Levels of Processing model

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